Andrew Dawson


Gorey: The Secret Lives of Edward Gorey- The New Yorker

Nice mention today in The New Yorker...

The New Yorker- GOREY:The Secret Lives of Edward Gorey

Gorey: The Secret Lives of Edward Gorey

The writer and illustrator Edward Gorey specialized in locating humor in peril and gloom;

 in his life, he could accurately be labelled a hoarder and a loner, yet his personality brimmed

with inspirations and enthusiasms. The playwright and director Travis Russ has devised a 

brilliant solution for dramatizing this contradictory and solitary man: three actors, all of 

them excellent and in perfect tune with one another, play the artist simultaneously at three

 different ages, delivering a collective autobiographical monologue, sometimes delightedly

 affirming each other’s accounts, sometimes gently contradicting them. Gorey may be the only 

character onstage (unless you count his overstuffed old house on Cape Cod, which is evoked

 in such loving detail that it deserves its own billing), but presenting his life in triplicate is like

 taking a familiar melody and assigning it an unexpected set of chords.

(c) 2024 Andrew Dawson